Monday, 11 April 2011

BBC Poll shows support for public services

BBC Scotland has published its traditional issues poll today. Given the recession and financial crisis you might have expected something of shift in priorities.

However, the poll shows that traditional public service issues dominate, including the NHS, Police and education in the top three. Mind you there is some really sloppy BBC wording on the police question. The Scottish Labour manifesto at least talks about police on the beat - the SNP government have put expensive police officers behind desks to replace the sacked civilian police staffs.

Not surprisingly given pay freezes and inflation, tax cutting proposals are in the top half. With the exception of business taxes that gets a big thumbs down. Perhaps the message about corporate tax dodging is getting through! The crazy Local Income Tax bombs badly near the bottom of the list. Watch out for more ducking and diving on this issue.

A referendum on independence also languishes at the bottom reflecting peoples priorities in these difficult times. Interestingly, so does the national police force, possibly reflecting a preference for local services.

Overall a positive expression of public support for public services in these difficult times.

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