Friday, 17 October 2014

Austerity Economics Don't Add Up

Scotland's public services are living through a lost decade as a consequence of austerity economics.

'Austerity Economics Don't Add Up' is the title of UNISON Scotland's latest report on the impact austerity economics is having on our public services and the staff who deliver them.

This info graphic outlines some the problems

I have also put the report in the context of Challenge Poverty Week in this article on the leading Blog, Left Foot Forward. In that post I conclude:

"The constitutional debate in Scotland may divide over independence or further devolution. But what unites Scotland is a desire to challenge poverty and create a more equal society. Its not about the ‘45 per cent’ or the ‘55 per cent’ – its about the 99 per cent who understand that a more equal society benefits us all.

The message from Scotland this week is that we all deserve to live in a society that puts people first, where the economy is run for everyone, not just the well off."

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow in Glasgow for the 'Decent Work, Dignified Lives' march and rally. Scotland deserves a pay rise!


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